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Faculty Information

Course Proposal

The Office of Global Education is accepting proposals for 2026 Faculty-led study abroad travel courses!

Please read the Call for Proposals document here, including FAQs.


The proposal deadline is January 31st, 2025. 

Please click here to find the proposal form for NEW courses that need College Council approval. (Please download the form and then complete it)


Please click here to find the proposal form for REPEAT courses, already approved by CC.  (Please download the form and then complete it)

Faculty Study Abroad Travel Course Workshop:

January 15, 12-2pm at the Triton Room.
- Learn about how to lead a study abroad travel course, from the proposal process to delivering a successful program.
- Hear from a panel of experienced faculty who have done it before and have stories to share
- Hear from a program provider about the services they offer abroad and how they can help you all steps of the way.
Presentation will be from 12-1pm. Global Ed staff will be available from 1-2pm to brainstorm with faculty or assist those who are currently working on their proposals for 2026. Please RSVP to


Questions? Please contact Laura Semenow, Director of Global Education at or  schedule a meeting  here.

Health and Safety

Please fill out the Global Ed incident Form for incidents abroad during the study abroad travel course.