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Parents FAQs


Studying abroad is an exciting prospect for students. The opportunity to travel and experience a different culture can be the highlight of their college career.

As a parent, you’ll naturally have questions and possibly concerns about the prospect of your child studying abroad. At the Office of Global Education, we’ve answered some of the most frequently asked questions to help put your mind at ease.


How can I help my son or daughter with their study abroad plans?

Begin talking with your son or daughter about studying abroad as soon as he or she begins at Eckerd. Especially for students who haven’t traveled abroad before, it is important to know that they have the support of their family when deciding to go abroad.  Encourage your child to plan ahead and learn about the different types of programs available.  Speak about study abroad in terms of the possibilities, as opposed to the risks and problems it might create.   Additionally, encourage your child to research and apply for scholarships offered through Eckerd and their study abroad program.  


What steps does the Office of Global Education take to ensure safety of students abroad?

The Office of Global Education takes seriously issues affecting our students’ health and safety while abroad.  It is a reality that international travel is risky, and it is impossible for us to foresee or prevent every emergency.  We are committed, however, to providing students with accurate and timely information about ways to minimize risks when they travel abroad and how to respond to emergencies when they happen.  We have plans and protocols in place and train our faculty yearly on how to respond to emergencies abroad while they are leading a class abroad. We regularly review the programs with which we are affiliated to ensure that they meet nationally accepted standards for safety and security for study abroad.  We provide students with information about how to stay safe and healthy while abroad through pre-departure orientations.  Programs either include health travel insurance or students are covered by Eckerd’s insurance provided by EIIA. We do not approve students to study abroad in countries under a US State Department travel warning for Americans abroad.  And finally, we stay in regular communication with students while they are abroad in order to quickly respond to major and minor emergencies.


Will studying abroad delay my child’s graduation?

In most cases, it will not.  From the founding of Eckerd, the Winter Term was designed as a time for students to study abroad and explore the world beyond St. Pete. Courses taken in a semester abroad are allowed to transfer back for credit, as long as it is approved by the discipline. This allows students not to miss any ‘time’ from Eckerd and still graduate with their class.  It is because studying abroad shouldn’t delay graduation that the advising process is so important. Faculty mentors talk with students about how to ensure that the courses they take while abroad will count towards graduation. 


Does my child need to speak a second language?

Not necessarily. Winter Term programs are designed to support all students. Some semester programs may require prior knowledge of a foreign language, but many programs offer courses in English. If the native language in a student’s host country is not English, we strongly recommend that students take an introductory language course when they are abroad as it will encourage deeper cultural immersion and make day-to-day living easier.

Why should I encourage my student to study abroad?

Studying abroad is an integral part of the Eckerd experience.  Perhaps more importantly, studying abroad is the best way for students to become globally competent graduates.  To borrow from the title of a popular book, the world is flat, and we live in a global society in which knowledge, resources, and authority transcend national boundaries.  The well-rounded graduate in the 21st century is expected to be able to function effectively in the multicultural, multinational job market, regardless of whether they are living in Florida, New York, or Shanghai. Finally, studying, living, and traveling abroad can provide opportunities that encourage personal growth. Countless students return from their time abroad with experiences that have deepened their intellectual and personal maturity, fostered independent thinking, and built self-confidence.


How much will study abroad cost?

It depends on the program. Please read the Finances section and program specific pages for more details. Eckerd is committed to making study abroad possible for every student and have generous scholarships available due to the generous donors who value study abroad experiences. Global Education will work with students individually to find programs that meet students academic and financial needs.